Archive for the ‘Lent’ Category

No One Can – Except The Lord Jesus!

Part 1A

Part 1B

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 3:16


We’re in the season of Lent, biblically, walking with the historic Jesus as he fights for us against everything that is against us, including the evil that exists in this present evil age! And rather than just focusing on “giving something up” or even “taking something in”, we proclaim to you the Gospel of Someone, namely Jesus, and the Father-Son-Holy-Spirit-God revealed in Him. We proclaim not ideas to you but Someone Who loves you, meets you, and acts on your behalf that you might know Him, call on Him and participate in His action with Him! And in announcing Him we announce His Kingdom that is breaking in now and that will take over everything fully someday! And we do it with him as a source of your encouragement, and reorientation, and warning! We keep calling on you in participation with him to repent and believe this Good News and to enter, by grace through faith, this active relationship with Jesus and the Father you were created for!

Theological Theme:

In Jesus’ conception, life, suffering, death, resurrection and ascension we see the great mercy of God to give us all time to see him, to learn of him, accept him, know him, rethink/act, and join sides with him before he returns for His final judgment! There is coming a point-of-no-return for everyone, including you, at some point! And the questions stand before you: 1.) Who do you say Jesus is? And Whose are you? and Whose world/creation is this?

Christ Connection:

In the light of Who Jesus is Revealed to be, and what he has accomplished on our behalf that
every person might share in his relationship with his Father by the Spirit (John 17:3, John 16:13-
15), you must not underestimate the priority of the Who question. As “Christ”ians we don’t
believe that just anyone could be and do who Jesus is and what he did in his birth, life, suffering
and death, resurrection, ascension and coming again. We don’t believe that just anyone
could achieve the same outcome/s. Jesus is the unique and only Begotten of the Father
(John 3:16). He is the only human Mediator between God and man (1 Tim 2:5). He is the only
one to whom every knee will bow and tongue confess that he is Lord (Phil 2:9-11) This
“Who” is in contrast to the popular “What?”, “How?”, “When?”, “Where?” and “Why?
questions that often claim priority in our lives. (You know what we mean: What will be done about these
troubling political and social issues!? How long will the world continue to suffer racial
discrimination and injustice!? When will this physical, mental or emotional pain end!? Where is that stimulus check??? Where is the man or woman with the real leadership solution to this COVID mess, and why is it taking so long to get understood, organized and solved!? (this year we especially felt the pressure of those questions and issues.)

Missional Application:

Because this is the Son’s world, the Father’s world, and the world of the Holy Spirit, and They, in Christ have done everything to give us life and godliness – and have done everything to pull off every good thing for us, we share this Good News with everyone we can, inviting them to place their trust in God and be his fully devoted son or daughter by the Spirit, in participation with Jesus!

Photos compliments:, Dr. Gary Deddo,

The Primary Point You Should Receive From All Christian Teaching! 

The Primary Point You Should Receive From All Christian Teaching, 1A
The Primary Point You Should Receive From All Christian Teaching, 1B

Bible Verse: 2 Peter 1


Because the primary goal of God-Father-Son-Holy-Spirit is that we share in the Divine nature, as it says in 2 Peter 1, we are properly pointed to the primary point of all Christian teaching!

Theological Theme:

What the triune God requires of us has to be something He first does for us in our place and on our behalf since he is the only one Who is divine, and able to give and receive divinity!

Christ Connection:

Jesus Christ is not only the Gift of Humanity that God gives to us by becoming Incarnate in our place and on our behalf in a substitutionary way, but Jesus is also the Giver of our Humanity to us, and sharing His Spirit with us that we might participate with Him in His Humanity!

Missional Application:

Psalm 24: says, “The earth and everything in it, the world and its inhabitants, belong to the Lord;” Because this is so, the new humanity God shares with us in Christ is not just for Christians but something God has done for and to all mankind in the person of Jesus. Therefore we joyfully proclaim this Good News about Who Jesus is, and Who we all are in him, to everyone, that all may accept, receive, and experience Jesus’ life in the Spirit, by grace, repenting of their unbelief in Him by believing in Him!

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Once Greedy, Now Generous!

“Once Greedy, Now Generous!” – Melvin McKee, Jr.

Bible Verse: 2 Cor 8:1, 2 Cor 9:6-15


The grace of God works deeply into us so that it can also work out of us to benefit others. Grace
hoarded is grace squandered; in fact, it may be grace misunderstood or even unexperienced. God’s
gracious gifts are meant to be held loosely with generosity, not held onto tightly with greed. Our
motivation for living with generosity comes from God’s exceeding generosity to us in giving us the
fullness of His Son despite our total spiritual bankruptcy. Because we have been given the eternal
riches of His glory in Christ Jesus, we are compelled to live generously, not reluctantly, and with joy
and gratitude.

Theological Theme:

God-Father-Son-Holy-Spirit already owns all that we have. He has called us to be stewards of the wealth He entrusts to us.

Christ Connection:

In Jesus Christ, we have both a model and a motivation for generosity. Because God has been
merciful and generous to us by giving us His Son, we are empowered to be merciful and generous
toward others.

Missional Application:

God gives us wealth in order that we might share it with others in need, not out of a sense of guilt or
obligation but cheerfully and willingly.

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Becoming An Ethically Responsible Christian Disciple! Part 3 (Our Christian/ Biblical Worldview)

Part 3A:

Part 3B:

Full Message:

Bible Verses: Colossians (various scriptures)


“How Do I Become An Ethically Responsible Christian Disciple?” That is the question this series is trying to answer as it lays the foundations of this sermon firmly on THE Foundation of Jesus Christ, Himself, in his Person and Work. As we face the “waves and pounding surf” of the bad philosophies and false ideas and ideologies of this world, we need not be shaken because our house is built upon a rock, THE Rock, Jesus Christ! We are encouraged by the Lord Jesus to be careful how we build. The Lord Jesus Christ in calling you to Himself in His relationship with His Father does so that you might know Him and, incredibly, share in his very mind with him! NOT sharing in a mind like his, but sharing in his very own mind, in the Spirit!

Theological Theme:

“Ethics” is a way of understanding how we are to relate to our neighbors, horizontally, in the light of Who Jesus is and Who we are in Him, as we seek to glorify the Father with Jesus! As those who trust him, Jesus Christ is our Ethic! When we are directly relating to God, that’s worship. When we are relating directly to our neighbor for God’s sake, that is ethics, or witnessing to and participating with the God we worship in His love toward others.

Christ Connection:

In one paradoxical way of putting it, Christian ethics are really the end of ethics as we once thought of them! We’re no longer centered on proclaiming a nice, neatly-packaged system of rule-keeping, laws or instructions, as if that is what the bible/Christian life primarily is. We’re now centered solely on the Rule-Keeper, the Law-Giver, and THE Loving Instructor – Jesus Christ, Himself! He is our Ethic! In an intimate relationship with Him he guides and leads us by the Holy Spirit, even in the minutiae of everyday living, that we might participate with Him in glorifying His Father in a human way! In Jesus we are becoming a repetition of Jesus and His Father in an earthly way by the Spirit!

Missional Application:

The Father sent his Son Jesus into the world because of his great love for the world. John 3:16. This love for the world is what we seek to participate in both within and outside the Church in participation with Jesus and the Father. This quote from Henri Nouwen is written with just this kind of love for others in mind:

“For Jesus, there are no countries to be conquered, no ideologies to be imposed, no people to be dominated. There are only children, women and men to be loved.” — Henri Nouwen

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In Jesus, The Church Is God’s New Humanity!

Part A:

Part B:

Full Message:

Watch On YouTube

Bible Verse: Acts 2:42 – 47 Romans 8


Because Jesus Christ, the Father’s Son has come and lived, and suffered, and died, and risen from the dead, and ascended into heaven, in our glorified humanity, sending the Holy Spirit to us,  a new world order has been inaugurated from the Father, through Jesus the Son, and in the Holy Spirit! A new humanity is breaking in and rising up in believers who share in the responses of Christ in the holy Spirit, through Jesus, and to the Glory of the Father! This New Humanity, or New Creation, breaking into our present is what it means to be a part of the Church, a part of the Father-Son-and-Holy-Spirit-God’s New Community!”

Theological Theme:

“There can be no doubt, however, that the New Testament is pervaded with the joyful sense of God’s actual presence in Jesus Christ, and with the realisation that the coming age has already broken into the present and overlaps it. That is precisely the good news of the gospel, that here and now in Christ Jesus God is present in all his royal power, not only to speak a word of pardon but actually to enact it and fulfil it in the liberation of the children of God.” – T.F. Torrance

Christ Connection:

“…when we do hear God’s voice through Jesus Christ, It calls us out of ourselves into community with God and man. And then individual Gospel and social Gospel become all one. We can’t separate them, without killing both, and running away from God…God was incarnate in Jesus Christ, and He created in the world a new community – the fellowship of the Holy Spirit – to draw us out of ourselves into community with God and man, for our own salvation and the salvation of the world.” – Donald Baillie

Missional Application:

“And if you, my friend, feel your heart pierced, in this your day and generation, by the woes of your fellows, that is perhaps the beginning of God’s work in your heart, saving you from yourself, drawing you out of yourself, into a life worth living, where you wiIl be lifted above your own temptations and defeats by the enthusiasm of the service of God and man, in the Community of the Holy Spirit. God is beginning that work in you – let Him have his way.” – Donald Baillie

The scriptures indicate what Salvation in Christ sounds and looks like in Acts 2:

36 Therefore let all the house of Israel know with certainty that God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Messiah.”

37 When they heard this, they were pierced to the heart and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, “Brothers, what should we do?” 

42 They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to prayer.

43 Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and signs were being performed through the apostles. 44 Now all the believers were together and held all things in common. 45 They sold their possessions and property and distributed the proceeds to all, as any had need. 46 Every day they devoted themselves to meeting together in the temple, and broke bread from house to house. They ate their food with joyful and sincere hearts, 47 praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. Every day the Lord added to their number those who were being saved.”

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The Plot Against Paul!

Part A:

Part B:

Full Message:

Watch On YouTube

Bible Verse: Acts 23: 1-24


While in Jerusalem on a mission of mercy, Paul was judged for his resurrection hope, strengthened by Christ’s presence in prison, and preserved through a surprising plot twist. Even in prison, God was faithful to provide for Paul and lead His servant to be used where and how He desired. Paul demonstrated boldness, courage, and conviction because resurrection hope gives God’s people confidence to share the gospel no matter the consequences.

Theological Theme:

Resurrection hope through God [The Father-Son-Holy-Spirit] is the source of Christian courage.

Christ Connection:

Paul’s confidence in the midst of trying circumstances came from his belief that the God of his fathers was the God who had revealed His glory in the person and work of Jesus Christ. Paul believed that the faithfulness of God that was shown through the cross and resurrection of Jesus would sustain him through persecution and trial.

Missional Application:

God, through His Holy Spirit calls us to courageously testify to the gospel, even when the cost of telling the truth is high.


What a difference the resurrection makes! It distinguishes Christians from non-Christians in every culture and context as it refurbishes our life pursuits, changes our old attitudes, and gives us hope to continue running the race even in the midst of despair. Because of the resurrection, Christians are thrice-born creatures: 1) we are born; 2) we are born again (John 3:7); and 3) one day, we will be born again, again. Our third birth will be just as physical as our first. That’s why archeologists will never discover Jesus’ skeleton. As the angel told Mary, “He is not here, but he has risen!” (Luke 24:6). And we will rise too (Rom. 8:11). Until then, let the resurrection become a source of courage and confidence as we live knowing one day “we will be like him” (1 John 3:2), and for all eternity we will see the Savior “face to face” (1 Cor. 13:12).

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Jesus Says To You, “You Know The Way Church!”

Part A:

Part B:

Full Message:

Watch On YouTube

Bible Verses: 1 Cor 8: 1 Luke 18: 9-14 Luke 12: 8 Acts 2:42-47

Theological Theme:

Jesus continues to share through His earthly Body – the Church – what he said in John 14: 1“Don’t let your heart be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in Me. 2 In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you? 3 If I go away and prepare a place for you, I will come again and take you to myself, so that where I am you may be also. 4 You know the way to where I am going.”5 “Lord,” Thomas said, “we don’t know where you’re going. How can we know the way?”6 Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. 7 If you know me, you will also know my Father. From now on you do know him and have seen him.”

Christ Connection:

“While there were contenders, pretenders and usurpers who had no power nor will to create or give life, Jesus has overcome, has vanquished, all enemies who refused his reign. As the incarnate agent of the Father in the power of the Spirit, this Son opposes all that opposes his good creation and God’s good purposes for all creation. The strength of his opposition to all that would maim and destroy his good creation and deviate from his glorious ends is proportional to his love for his good creation. Were he not to oppose that which would undo his creation, he would not be its loving Lord. This Jesus with his heavenly Father and Holy Spirit is implacably opposed to all evil that distorts, twists and destroys life and loving relationships in fellowship first with him and in turn with each other and creation. To bring about his original ultimate purposes, all opposition to his rule and right must submit in repentance or be undone. Evil has no future in the kingdom of God.” – Gary Deddo

Missional Application:

Oh how relevant this message of Jesus is to the people of all times and our own times. A time in which the Holy Spirit is still being poured out upon men, women and children right in the middle of a wicked and corrupt generation! And Jesus’ disciples are still encouraged to call all of his brothers and sisters to repent because of the forgiveness of their sins in Him, a call to receive the Holy Spirit! And not only a call to be saved from their sins but to be saved FOR God and also saved for love toward their neighbor! [But who will believe our report and to whom will the arm of the Lord be revealed? John 12:38] = Those who will receive the great abundance of the Lord’s forgiveness!!!

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God Reveals Himself To Isaiah!


Part 1a: 18min


Part 1b: 20min


Full Message: 38min″

Main Passage: Isaiah 6:1-8

The prophet Isaiah had a vision of God high and lifted up—holy and glorious in His temple. In light of God’s piercing holiness, Isaiah received a proper vision of his own sin and unworthiness. But God, in His grace, restored Isaiah to service and gave the prophet a message for the people. Like Isaiah, we too are undone by the vision of God’s glory, but through His grace, God deals with our sin and then commissions us to deliver His message of love to the world. – The Gospel Project

Theological Theme:

God- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is holy and glorious beyond compare. “Our God is a consuming fire. He is satisfied only when His love totally consumes us…We should not resent the fact that God wants to guard our relationship with Him. It should bring us comfort.” – Henry T. Blackaby and Richard Blackaby

Christ Connection:

Isaiah had a vision of a throne room with a divine King. Jesus later claimed that Isaiah had seen His glory and thus the prophet’s words were about Him (John 12:32,41). Like Isaiah, when we see ourselves in light of God’s holiness, we recognize our sinful state and need for salvation.

Missional Application:

God, through His Holy Spirit, calls us to live in light of our salvation by willingly delivering His message to the world, no matter how unpopular it may be.

Photo compliments:


Why Jesus’ Church Fellowships More And More! pt.2


In this Gospel Message Timothy Brassell of  New Life Fellowship of Baltimore, Proclaims the GOOD NEWS of The God Revealed in Jesus Christ through his Part 2 series entitled, “Why Jesus’s Church Fellowships MORE And MORE!” pt.2. He explores the Church in the Light of Jesus  by reading through Hebrews 10: 19-39, including comments and discussion with the congregation!

In this message you’ll learn some Church “basics” and things you can consider if you’re interested in being Jesus’ disciple or encouraging others to be His disciples, including:

  • The main positive of the Church in this world AND some of the challenges the Church faces as it stands for and against this world!
  • Who and what your main enemy is and why you absolutely CAN BE COURAGEOUS AND NOT AFRAID!
  • The fatal error in the old phrase which says “I think, therefore I am!”
  • The fact that as you take part in and with Jesus there is definitely Some One to say YES to, and some one to say NO to!
  • What Heaven REALLY is!
  • That the “The Church may have a building but that is not its place. The building may be the Church’s location, but it’s space is in ….”

Listen in as the rest of that last sentence is given and clarity is shed about the Church’s Life, including one major myth we have about Church!

Behold and Be-Held! Jesus Makes Everything New!


 In This Easter Resurrection Message Pastor Timothy Brassell of  New Life Fellowship of Baltimore, Proclaims the GOOD NEWS of The God Revealed in Jesus Christ through his message entitled, “Behold and Be-Held! Jesus Makes Everything New!” . In this message he shows through 1 Cor 15 that at the root of and core of our being is the risen Lord Jesus and He seizes and summons us to participate with him as He leads and guides in our day and in our humanity!

Hear in this message that:

  • Our celebrations during the Easter Season are not the Resurrection, but neither is our sadness and anxiety! JESUS is the Resurrection and our current celebrations and sadness point to Him!
  • You don’t have to feel pressured to prove Jesus rose but, as THE RESURRECTION and THE LIFE, Jesus creatively makes Himself known! Your role is to trust and obey Him as you witness to Him in the power of the Spirit at His direction!
  • The Resurrection is NOT primarily about life after death or our personal, me-centered salvation! Rather, it is about something ENTIRELY NEW and far more extensive = Life AFTER “life after death” and the entire cosmos!
  • Because of the way Jesus Revealed Himself in His Resurrection, He is not only alive as Lord but alive as God of Everyone and Everything! This means:
    • You must face the realization of being met by Him and challenged to be who you are in him in His grace!
    • Jesus not only has the right to be your Savior and the Center of your world but has the right to take you into the Center of His world!
    • You can experience freedom as His Father’s child ONLY under His Lordship and Mastery!
    • You get to take the Holy Spirit more seriously than your own frail humanity, though we all still live in the “already but not yet”.
    • You do not have to be afraid of the dark in any form or shape because when Jesus rose, YOU rose with Him THEN as an overcomer!
  • There is a challenge, promise, warning and question Easter brings to you, and the most important question in life is not your question but Jesus’ question to you, which is…….

….you’ll have to listen in to hear the answer and MUCH more of God’s Good News!