Archive for the ‘Pastor Richard Andrews’ Tag

God Will Provide


Scripture: Gen 22 , Heb 11

Summary and Goal:

The main message of the sermon is that we should have faith in God’s provision and trust in His plan for our lives. Pastor Andrews emphasizes the importance of recognizing that God is our ultimate Provider and that we should rely on Him for our needs even in difficult times. He cites examples from the Bible, such as the story of Elijah and the widow, to illustrate how God has provided for His people in the past. He encourages listeners to believe that God will continue to do so in the future. The sermon concludes with a call to action to trust in God’s provision and to seek His guidance in all aspects of our lives!

Made In The Image Of God

30 mins.
27 mins.

Bible Verse: Genesis 1:26-31


Because the primary goal of God-Father-Son-Holy-Spirit is that we share in the Divine nature, as it says in 2 Peter 1, we are properly pointed to the primary point of all Christian teaching!

Theological Theme:
God the Father created everything good for His Son. He also created everything good in His Son Who is the pinnacle of creation — sharing in our humanity. In doing so, The Father-Son-Holy-Spirit-God created people to be unique from the rest of His creation and to bear His image in every facet of life. It is in bearing God’s image revealed in Jesus Christ that we find our dignity and purpose and the foundation for our relationships with God and others.

Christ Connection:

Jesus is the image of the invisible God, and as such, He is the perfect Ruler over the world, the One whose perfect work earns our everlasting rest, and the One who restores our relationships with God and others.

Missional Application:

Because we are image bearers of God, in the power of the Holy Spirit we reflect His glory in how we steward the earth, work and rest, and cultivate relationships with Him and others.

Photo Compliments:

John Has A Vision Of Jesus!

Part A:

Part B:

Full Message:

Bible Verse: Revelation 1


In the Book of Revelation, Jesus revealed Himself in a vision to His beloved disciple John. He revealed

Himself in the glory of the most holy triune God, affirming that He is the Son of God the Father. He

revealed His power over time, death, and hell, each of which factor significantly in the Book of Revelation.

This vision also revealed Jesus with His church—with us—giving us hope and confidence as we strive to

remain faithful to the mission He has given us while waiting for His return.

Theological Theme:

The reality of Jesus’ glorious presence gives hope to Christians today.

Christ Connection:

When Jesus revealed Himself to John, He pointed to His identity as the First and the Last, the Living

One. He also pointed to the work He accomplished while on earth—defeating death and hell through

His crucifixion and resurrection. The same Jesus who was once crucified in shame is the Jesus who is

now exalted in glory.

Missional Application:

God-Father-Son-Holy-Spirit calls us to believe John’s testimony about Jesus and to trust that Jesus is present with His people as they fulfill His mission!

Photo Compliments:

The Risen King’s Commission (Being Co-lovers with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit!)


Audio – Part 1a: 27 min”

Audio – Part 1b: 27 min”

Audio – Full Message:”

Bible Verses: Matthew 28:16-20

We are to go to the nations with the authority of the risen King, for Jesus alone has the power to save. In Him also is the power for our mission as we go. We are to make disciples through the proclamation of the risen King. We are to teach the believers of our proclamation to obey all that the Father commanded us, through Jesus and in the Holy Spirit, knowing that Jesus will finish the good work He began and that He will never forsake us.

Theological Theme:

The mission of the church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ.

Christ Connection:

Before Jesus ascended to the Father, He commissioned His disciples to go into the world and make disciples of all nations. Under the authority of Jesus, we make disciples by baptizing people in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and by teaching them everything Christ commanded us. As we go, we trust in the presence of Christ, who promises to be with us on mission.

“The church is sent on mission by Jesus. It’s not that the church has a mission, but rather that the mission has a church. We join Jesus on His mission.” – Ed Stetzer

Missional Application:

The Father-Son-and-Spirit God calls us to make disciples of all nations by declaring the truth of the gospel with our words and demonstrating the reality of His love with our actions.

“God hath work to do in this world; and to desert it because of its difficulties and entanglements, is to cast off his authority. It is not enough that we be just, that we be righteous, and walk with God in holiness; but we must also serve our generation, as David did before he fell asleep. God hath a work to do; and not to help him is to oppose Him.” – John Owen (1616-1683)

Photo Compliments:

The Risen King On The Emmaus Road

Emmaus Road 2

Audio – Part 1a: 33 min”

Audio – Part 1b: 33 min”

Audio – Full Message:”

Bible Verses: Luke 24:13-35

After His resurrection, King Jesus joined two of His disciples on the road to Emmaus. By listening in on their conversation, we learn that the risen King draws near to His people in times of sorrow and confusion. We also see how all of Scripture is a testimony to Jesus Christ, who reveals Himself to those who trust Him. As witnesses to the risen King, we proclaim the Bible’s grand story, which culminates in the death and resurrection of Jesus.

Theological Theme:

All Scripture is a testimony to Jesus Christ.

Christ Connection:

On the road to Emmaus, the risen Jesus explained how the Old Testament Scriptures pointed forward to His suffering and glory. Like the disciples, we read the whole Bible in light of Christ’s life, death and resurrection, focusing our attention on the gospel that lies at the heart of the Father’s written Word to us.

“The Bible unveils Jesus Christ as the focal point of human history. All creation exists by Him, through Him, to Him, and for Him. Our Bible study should exist for Him too.” – Trevin Wax

Missional Application:

God calls us to read and interpret the Scriptures in light of Christ’s life, death and resurrection.

“In the church…the story of creation must be read in a way that begins with Christ and only then moves on toward him as its goal; indeed one can read it as a book that moves on toward Christ only when one knows that Christ is the beginning, the new, the end of our whole world.” –Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906-1945)

Photo Compliments:

Solomon Builds The Temple

beacon of light

Part 1a: 22min


Part 1b: 21min


Full Message: 43min


Main Passages: 1 Kings 5:1-5,    1 Kings 8:10-14,54-61

“Solomon built a temple for the Lord, and that temple bore God’s name, manifested God’s presence, and represented God’s glory to the world. As Christians, we belong to the church, described by the apostles as “the temple of God.” In the Old Testament, the temple referred to a place. In the New Testament, the temple refers to a people. We are being built together as God’s residence—a beacon of light and hope to the world.”- The Gospel Project

Theological Theme:

Because of the Holy Spirit’s presence, God’s people are the temple of God- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit today, the people who bear His name and join His mission.

Christ Connection:

The temple was to be a place where the name of God would be upheld and the presence of God would be experienced so that the nations would know that the Lord is God. Jesus spoke of Himself as God’s temple, and in His life, death, and resurrection, He upheld God’s name, embodied God’s presence, and extended God’s mission.

Missional Application:

God through His Holy Spirit, calls us to be devoted to Him in obedience so that the original purpose of the temple can be fulfilled—the people of the earth will know our God is King.

“The perfect church service would be one we were almost unaware of; our attention would have been on God.”, – C.S. Lewis.

photo compliments –

The Law’s Blessing and Curse

Deut 10-11 Jesus redeemed us from the curse of the law

Part 1, 24 mins :”

Part 2, 24 mins :”

Full Sermon:”


Theological Theme: The law is God the Father’s good gift [holy, just and good], but it cannot save us from the penalty of disobedience.

Christ Connection: Obedience to God-Father, Son and Spirit’s law brings a blessing. Breaking God’s law brings a curse. Jesus is the One who took the curse of our law-breaking humanity in order that we might experience the blessing of His law-keeping humanity, all of Grace!

Missional ApplicationIn response to the awesome works He has accomplished for us Jesus sends us His Holy Spirit, conforming us to Himself as we participate in and reflect His character toward others.

*picture courtesy of

Worthy Of Praise

Exodus 13-14 Red Sea”

Theological Theme: God Father, Son and Spirit magnifies His glory through His faithfulness to lead and save His people while bringing judgment upon those who oppose Him.

Christ Connection: God  the Trinity parted the Red Sea in order to make a way of salvation for His people. In a similar manner, God made a way of salvation for us by sending His Son.

Missional Application: The Relational and Triune God calls us to praise Him for His glory in salvation and judgment so that others will see and be compelled to join us in giving praise to Him.

*Photo courtesy of

God Is Faithful To His Covenant

God is faithful to his covenant (Gen 41-50)”

Theological Theme: God is sovereign and He will bring good out of evil circumstances.

Christ Connection: God took the evil deeds of Joseph’s brothers and used them for His greater plan of providing salvation from the famine. In the same way, God used the evil injustice of those who put His Son, Jesus, on the cross to bring about His master plan of providing salvation from sin and death.

Missional Application: God calls us to forgive those who sin against us because we recognize that God is working everything for the good of those who love Him.

The Creator Destroys And Redeems!

Genesis 6, 9 Noah finds Grace”

In this message of Good News we see how, like Noah, we are saved from God’s
judgment and called to obey God as His redeemed people.