Archive for the ‘Ruling the World’ Tag

Made In The Image Of God

30 mins.
27 mins.

Bible Verse: Genesis 1:26-31


Because the primary goal of God-Father-Son-Holy-Spirit is that we share in the Divine nature, as it says in 2 Peter 1, we are properly pointed to the primary point of all Christian teaching!

Theological Theme:
God the Father created everything good for His Son. He also created everything good in His Son Who is the pinnacle of creation — sharing in our humanity. In doing so, The Father-Son-Holy-Spirit-God created people to be unique from the rest of His creation and to bear His image in every facet of life. It is in bearing God’s image revealed in Jesus Christ that we find our dignity and purpose and the foundation for our relationships with God and others.

Christ Connection:

Jesus is the image of the invisible God, and as such, He is the perfect Ruler over the world, the One whose perfect work earns our everlasting rest, and the One who restores our relationships with God and others.

Missional Application:

Because we are image bearers of God, in the power of the Holy Spirit we reflect His glory in how we steward the earth, work and rest, and cultivate relationships with Him and others.

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