Archive for the ‘Acts 16’ Tag

The Converts: All Kinds of People!


Audio – Full Message: 37min


Bible Verses: Acts 16 

Romans 3: 23  John 10: 10  John 3: 16 -17  1Cor 15: 22  Matt 18: 14  1Tim 1: 15  Romans 3: 9

“It’s important that we be ready and willing to share the gospel with anyone around us at anytime. The gospel crosses over all divisions and barriers that man has established—culture, ethnicity, socio-economics, politics, and more—and so should our love and compassion. So build relationships with your lost neighbors, coworkers, friends, and family. Live out the gospel before them. Embody the gospel sent to them. And pray for an opportunity to share the gospel with them—to preach the same message that Paul preached and that we all need: “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.”


God [Father, Son, and Holy Spirit] uses different methods to reach different
kinds of people.

“The Lord is the one who graciously opens hearts to repent and believe the gospel. Because God is powerful and does this, it encourages us to pray for those who do not
yet believe.” –Justin S. Holcomb


The gospel reaches different people in different ways. In Philippi, Paul and Silas saw converts from different social and economic backgrounds come to faith through their witness and testimony. Their message was the same for all: “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.”

“When a person places faith in Christ, that person undergoes a fundamental change of identity. He or she goes from being an enemy under God’s wrath (Eph. 2:1-3) tbeing welcomed into God’s family as a beloved child (Eph. 2:19). The believer in Christ is declared righteous on account of Christ’s perfect life and substitutionary death and resurrection. No longer is the person a slave to sin, defined by past failures or present struggles. The person has been delivered from the realm of darkness and now belongs to the kingdom of light (Col.1:13). Anyone who is in Christ is a “new creation” in whom the old, sinful self is passed away and the new, redeemed self is alive and progressing, becoming more and more like Christ (2 Cor. 5:17).”


God. through His Holy Spirit, calls us to be faithful to deliver His message to all kinds of people, using a variety of methods.

“God often works through adversity and closed doors…..He may have a plan and a purpose for you to reach somebody and all of a sudden you may find your life taking a different direction.” – Pastor Tony Marra

Photo Compliments:   – The Gospel Project