Archive for the ‘2 Samuel 7’ Tag

The God/King Who Makes And Keeps His Promises

god's promises

Part 1a: 24min


Part 1b: 25min


Full Message: 49min


Main Passage: 2 Samuel 7:8-26

“God reaffirmed and expanded the covenant promises He made to Abraham—this time to King David. God promised to give David rest from his enemies and to build an eternal house through one of David’s descendants. In response to God’s unfailing promises, David expressed gratitude and humility, and this is the appropriate response for all believers in light of God’s faithfulness’ – The Gospel Project

Theological Theme:
The gracious promises of God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are meant to humble us and stir up gratitude in our hearts.

“God does not give us everything we want, but he does fulfill His promises, leading us along the best and straightest paths to Himself.” – Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Christ Connection
God promised David that future kings of Israel would come from his family and that his kingdom would last forever. God kept this promise by sending Jesus as one of David’s descendants. All of history is driving toward the day when Jesus, the Son of David, will be recognized as the King whose kingdom is everlasting.

Missional Application:
God calls us to offer ourselves fully to Him so that the mercy and grace we’ve experienced through His Holy Spirit will go out to others.

“God’s promises are the peculiar treasure of believers: the substance of faith’s heritage lies in them.  All the promises of our covenant God are ours to have and to hold as our personal possession.  By faith, we receive and embrace them, and they constitute our true riches.” – Charles Spurgeon

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