Archive for the ‘2 Samuel 11:1-17’ Tag

The King Who Needs A Savior

clean heart

Part 1a: 22 min


Part 1b: 23min


Full Message: 45min


Main Passages: 2 Samuel 11:1-17,26-27: Psalm 51:1-13

“King David fell into sin and experienced all of its ugly consequences. In David, we see sin’s capacity to enslave us and to motivate us to cover it up. But we also see the possibility of renewal through confession. As believers, we must see all of our sin as an offense toward God and rely on the forgiveness available to us through the sacrifice of the Father’’s Son in order to be restored.” – The Gospel Project

Theological Theme

All sin is ultimately directed toward God- Father, Son, and Spirit.

Christ Connection

Even David, the greatest of Israel’s kings and a man after God’s own heart, was a sinner in need of redemption. In the story of David, we recognize that all of us need forgiveness through the sacrifice of the perfect King, Jesus Christ, who would take upon Himself the punishment our sins deserve.

Missional Application

God, through the Holy Spirit, calls us to be transparent about our sin and to live in repentance so that others will know there is hope for forgiveness through Jesus Christ.

“God’s gift is offered to all in order to be received by all. It is received by having faith in what God in Christ through the Holy Spirit has done for us. It is by faith in the grace of God that we begin participating in the relationship Jesus has restored, and start receiving the benefits included in that relationship.” The God Revealed in Jesus Christ – a Booklet