Archive for the ‘1Samuel 8’ Tag

How Jesus Transforms The Downfall Of Israel’s First King


Part 1a – 26min:


Part 1b – 31min:


Full Message – 57min:


Main Passage: 1Samuel 15: 10-31NIV

Theological Theme: God- Father, Son, and Spirit, requires total obedience to all of His commands. “In King Saul’s story, we see the failure to obey God completely leads us to rationalize and justify our obedience, a sin that is compounded by the desire for human approval rather than divine grace. Halfhearted obedience is just another form of disobedience, and so, God-Father, Son and Spirit calls us to renounce our hypocritical displays of righteousness and to submit fully to his purpose and plan.” The Gospel Project

Christ Connection: Saul’s kingship could not last because he rejected God’s word. Israel needed a lasting kingdom ruled by Someone who would obey God fully. Through the perfect obedience of Jesus, God would establish His rule over His humanity forever. “Jesus is standing in for you representing you as one before God even when you’re not obeying. One who is making a great and awesome decision for God even when you are not making a great and awesome decision for God”…..”In light of who Jesus is – The Vicarious Man – and who we are in Him, we can see that the downfall of man (and sometimes YOUR downfall in life) is your failure to obey God COMPLETELY!” TJBrassell

Missional Application: God the Holy Spirit calls and empowers us to renounce our hypocritical displays of righteousness and to submit fully to His purpose and plan in Jesus so that the world will see God’s redemption. “The gracious call of Jesus now becomes a stern command: Do this! Give up that! Leave the ship and come to me! When a man says he cannot obey the call of Jesus because he believes, or because he does not believe, Jesus says: “First obey, perform the external work, renounce your attachments, give up the obstacles which separate you from the will of God. Do not say you have not got faith. You will not have it so long as you persist in disobedience and refuse to take the first step.  Neither must you say that you have faith, and therefore there is no need for you to take the first step. You have not got faith so long as and because you will not take the first step but become hardened in your unbelief under the guise of humble faith.” It is…malicious…to argue like this, a sure sign of lack of faith, which leads in its turn to a lack of obedience. This is the disobedience of the “believers”; when they are asked to obey, they simply confess their unbelief and leave it at that (Mark 9.24). You are trifling with the subject. If you believe, take the first step, it leads to Jesus Christ. If you don’t believe, take the first step all the same, for you are bidden to take it. No one wants to know about your faith or unbelief, your orders are to perform the act of obedience on the spot. Then you will find yourself in the situation where faith becomes possible and where faith exists in the true sense of the word.” –Dietrich Bonhoeffer, The Cost of Discipleship, 73-74



When We Demand A King

give us a king 2

Main Passage: 1 Samuel 8

Part 1a – 22 min: “”

Part 1b – 26min: “”

Full Message – 48min: “”

Theological Theme: Our Holiness is expressed in our dependence on God- Father, Son, and Spirit as the true King, not in our desire for substitutes. “As a church, we have to ask ourselves – Who is our King?……..  We live in a country where the majority of the population believes in God but how much authority does God have in their lives? Many seem to be ok with God as long he is just a spiritual uplifting thought or someone to turn to in hard times. But what about a God who dictates the purpose and the shape of your life? What about the notion of a God who is INCLUSIVE, who is INVOLVED and is the standard bearer of how we should be living our lives every day.” – Richard Andrews

Christ Connection: Israel’s demand for an earthly king, was a twisted form of a good desire- for God’s kingdom to come through His anointed leader – Jesus! God’s big plan incorporated Israel’s sinful desire and eventually led to the coming of Jesus, The King of kings.

“We want a God of predictability, a God of order, a God we can understand and figure out. Thus, it is profoundly disturbing to our theologies, well-honed beliefs, and carefully considered positions that God seldom does what we expect and even more rarely what we demand. He is a God of surprises, of true holiness, of great wisdom, power, and love. He is also God alone, and by nature of his being, position, holiness, and power, he is not required to respond to our every whim or demand for more information or better explanations!” –Beyond Opinion: Living the Faith We Defend, By Ravi Zacharias

Missional Application: God calls us to stand out from the world by showing, through His Holy Spirit, that true happiness and satisfaction can be found only in God. “Any challenge or hardship you are facing in your life, the battle is being fought by our King.” – Richard Andrews

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