Y(Our) Struggles Aren’t Against Flesh And Blood, Part 4B

12.09.30 Y(Our) Struggles Aren’t Against Flesh And Blood, Part 4B (Eph 6.10-20) – TAH

“God has assumed all responsibility for evil in Jesus Christ….There is no need for us to demand that God take responsibility. He has done so.”,  writes Rev. Dr. Gary Deddo. I AGREE!!! Therefore, a better definition of Spiritual Warfare is “God the Father, Son and Spirit of Love and Grace coming into creation in the Son Jesus to adopt, reconcile and save it BEFORE it even got lost! It is God’s passionate and proactive Love and determination that all of His creatures know and experience Him as Jesus does, forever!” Wow! This means that our fight with evil is REALLY a “Wile E. Coyote/Road Runner” situation – with evil being “Wile E. Coyote”, and all of creation being the “Road Runner” in Jesus! HaHa! Think of the Confident Craftiness and Glory that must lie behind God’s command for dust (Us!) to stand before evil in the Power of the Lord’s Might!

1 comment so far

  1. edwin muncy on

    also alot of battles with the sin is fought inside us everyday . the does an donts the things you feel is wrong you shouldnt be doing well i dont have to go on you know what i mean ..

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